Monday, January 26, 2009

Lost Everything :(

wont be blogging for a while
i got a virus on my comp, but im in the process of restoring
bought an external hard drive so that wont be happening again.

stay tuned!

Monday, January 12, 2009

1st Blog of 09

whew, it's been a while and alot has happened since i've last blogged.
Let's just say this New Year's was the best ever (so far). SOOOOO much
happened in such a little time and im surprised I got to see and go through it
all. It was also a special one and let it be known that " `09 belongs to the Entourage Boyz"

so yea, i'll be writing some more later today, maybe tomorrow, or w/e I feel like it
stay tuned. deuces