Friday, December 19, 2008

New camera, new pic

Just thought I'd let you know that i bought a new camera, the one i previously blogged about, the Samsung TL34HD. Pretty decent camera if you ask me. Got it at the Palisades from the going out of business Circuit City (who would ever thought?!). But check out a pic that i took just to test out it's 14 mega pixel capacity. the pic is only in 10 mpix tho, believe it or not.

pretty nice huh? oh yea those aren't all my kicks either lol

Thursday, December 11, 2008


this backpack is fire! i must have it in my hands

sum funny shit

Heartless by Cory Gunz....nice

the gym

so those of you who know that i go to the gym ( you may be saying "why? kevon doesn't need to") i do in fact. I like to look and feel a certain way and i achieve that by working out. I've always been into martial arts hence my black belt and staying fit. So i wanted to let you in on my progress. I been going since mid-august and since then i've lost 13 pounds. not bad right? i'm also doing it for a certain someone but they dont know who they are :). Yea and im going to keep going cuz it makes me feel good.

im lookin for somethin else to get into. a new hobby of sorts....any suggestions? leave em here

some encouraging words for the troubled soul

sometimes there are things that you're going through and you will not like them. At all, possibly. You may ask yourself "Why, God, why me?" It's because life is cruel and unfair at times. Things aren't always going to work out in your favor. So when they do, you'll learn to appreciate them more and cherish them better. Also look at it from someone else's point of view. Could it be your fault also, for what you're going through. Certain situations can be avoided if you plan things out or prevent making simple mistakes. Time can be your friend and enemy. It depends on how you use it. Once time goes by, its lost forever so use it wisely. Think of it as a present that gives back depending on the way you utilize it.

Dont beat yourself up all the time either. People are jerks at times, we're all humans and we have faults. Believe me, no one is perfect nor will they ever be because we were not made to be that way. Mistakes teach us not to do certain shit over again. Pain is a result of being hard headed, stubborn, and/or overly confident too.

Find an outlet to use when you feel down. Many people write, listen to music, draw, etc. Whatever helps you relieve stress, w/o hurting you physically (i.e. drugs!), use it to make you feel better. Talk to someone who you know will listen to you no matter what. You never know, they could be going through the same thing as you.

Always remember, you can get to where you wanna be if you put yourself there. People may hinder your progress or try to stop you even. But if you want to do something or get somewhere you will get there because you want to be there. No one can ever crush your dreams or hopes because they cant touch them and they will never be able to.

Self-empowerment is my drug of choice....what's yours??